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The AFA recognizes that it is necessary and prudent to take a firm stand in protecting the right to use public forestland for both recreation and economic benefit, and in supporting sustainable management of the forest to protect forest health.

In looking at the historical pattern of opposition to multiple-use of public lands, these strategies have contributed to the current poor health of the Allegheny and other National Forests.  Not only is timber harvesting at risk, but also hunting, resource development, and recreational use of the Forest could be lost, unless groups like the AFA Allegheny Forest Alliance Home Page Imageintervene.

Our Mission is to support sustainable forestry, environmental stewardship, and multiple-use management of the Allegheny National Forest (ANF) and other public forest lands in north central Pennsylvania.  By nurturing these forests, we help to ensure a future for our children, our communities, and our rural way of life.

Our Approach is straight forward: Advocate for and encourage the application of the sound science of sustainable forestry and multiple-use management.  The is crucial to assuring that this vast forestland will be here for the continued use of future generations.

Our Motto is “Sustainable Forestry, Environmental Stewardship, Stable Communities.”

We invite you to tour our website to learn more about the AFA, the issues we strive to address, and how you can support our efforts.  Follow us on Facebook for news relating to the ANF and efforts and activities of the AFA.

Good neighbors work together – JOIN US in implementing our 2020 Vision for this decade and beyond!

“Without natural resources life itself is impossible.  From birth to death, natural resources, transformed for human use, feed, clothe, shelter, and transport us.  Upon them we depend for every material necessity, comfort, convenience, and protection in our lives.  Without abundant resources prosperity is out of reach.” - Gifford Pinchot, the "Father of American Forestry".