AFA’s 2020 Vision

Allegheny Forest Alliance 2020 Vision: Sustainable Forestry for Forest Health and Community HealthThe AFA has a clear vision – “2020 Vision” – for ensuring the health of both the ANF and the communities who host this exceptional working forest.  It is based on the sound science of Sustainable Forestry and multiple-use management.

The Allegheny National Forest was established to ensure a continuous supply of timber for the nation and to protect water quality.  We work to ensure that this purpose is not replaced by the preservation of forest as Wilderness Areas, as advocated by environmentalist groups.

Gifford Pinchot, the “Father of American Forestry”, said:

“Without natural resources life itself is impossible.  From birth to death, natural resources, transformed for human use, feed, clothe, shelter, and transport us.  Upon them we depend for every material necessity, comfort, convenience, and protection in our lives.  Without abundant resources prosperity is out of reach.”

Pinchot’s conservation philosophy was rooted in the practical; he understood the role that well-managed forests played in sustaining the livelihood of families that relied on natural resources for income.  This is a philosophy that the AFA and its members share and upon which our “2020 Vision” is based.  Explore our Learn page for educational links and resources.

AFA 2020 Vision 1-page flyerThe implementation of this vision will will begin in the year 2020, but continue throughout the coming decade.   The benefits of sustainable forest management takes time to be realized- particularly when complicated by government procedures and staff/funding limitations.  Over the coming decade, we will follow the ANF’s progress to achieve a healthier forest and do what we can to help them realize this common goal.  (Learn more about land use management on the ANF by visiting our Links page.)

Our “2020 Vision” will include several partnerships with various agencies, organizations and businesses as we plan and implement efforts to achieve our vision.  Expect to see a variety of education programs for adults and students, special projects, volunteer opportunities and more!  Watch our Events page and Facebook page for announcements.

Would your agency, organization or business like to partner with AFA?  We invite proposals for project partnerships that support our “2020 Vision” goals!  Contact the AFA.