2025 Secure Rural Schools Reauthorization

2025 Secure Rural Schools Funding Legislation Reauthorization

bus_webCongress failed to pass reauthorization of Secure Rural Schools Funding legislation in 2024.  This critical funding helps to make up for local and school tax revenues lost through federal ownership of the 513,00+ acres of the Allegheny national Forest.

In May 2024, Congressman Glenn Thompson sponsored H.R.8467 – Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024, but never made it to the House floor for vote.  In November 2024, the Senate passed S.2581 – Secure Rural Schools Reauthorization Act of 2023, which was sent to the House but also never made it to the floor for a vote.  Now in a new Congress, reauthorization legislation will have to start over.  If reauthorization is not passed by the end of January, Forest County’s school and township funding from the ANF decrease by approximately 60% to the lower 1908 Act (25% Fund) level.

SRS funds total approximately $1.4 million annually for Forest County, its School District and townships.  In addition to roads and schools, the funding also supports the County’s FireWise program (managed by Penn State Extension’s Forest County office) and road, conservation and recreation projects through Resource Advisory Committee grants.

These funds are critical to the County, making up 5% of the School District’s budget, 85-90% of Howe Township’s budget, and approximately 26% of Jenks Township’s budget.  If their funding is decreased by 60%, as it did in 2016 when SRS lapsed, it will likely mean staff furloughs, deferred road and building maintenance, and cuts to school programs.  Additionally, only with SRS funding can the County support the Penn State Extension office, and RAC project grants will no longer be available.

The AFA has sent a letter to Congressman Thompson and to Senators Fetterman and McCormick detailing just a few of the anticipated impacts on Forest County if the funding is not quickly restored, and urging their leadership in passing reauthorization legislation.

The region’s State legislators were also informed of this issue.  Senator Scott Hutchinson wrote letters, cosigned by Senator Chris Dush and Representatives Kathy Rapp, Martin Causer, and Mike Armanini, supporting the Congressman and Senators in their efforts to secure reauthorization of SRS.

County, school and municipal leadership in the four ANF host counties, and the Allegheny Hardwood Utilization Group (AHUG) also sent letters and emails and called the Congressman and Senators voicing their concern and urging action.  Residents at-large were also encouraged to call or send letters to our Congressional legislators to encourage them in their efforts (see below for addresses, web contact form links, and phone numbers).

UPDATE:  On February 3, 2025, S356 was introduced in the Senate to extend the SRS legislation for two more years.  It was sent to the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, on which Senator McCormick serves, with no movement since.

A second letter was sent to Senators Fetterman and McCormick urging them to work to move S356 out of committee and vote in favor of it, as well as the House bill when it arrived in the Senate.

On February 14, 2025, HR1383 was introduced in the House (co-sponsored by Congressman Glenn Thompson) to extend SRS.  It was sent to two committees: Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Once again, we are asking the public to call or write to the Congressman and Senators, urging them to help advance and support these bills.  Their mailing addresses, email contact form links, and phone numbers are provided below.

Legislator mailing addresses:

Congressman Glenn Thompson, 400 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515; https://thompson.house.gov/zip_authentication?form=/contact/email-me; Phone: (202) 225-5121.

Senator John Fetterman, 142 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510; https://www.fetterman.senate.gov/contact/; Phone: (202) 224-4254.

Senator Dave McCormick, B40C Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510; https://www.mccormick.senate.gov/; Phone: (202) 224-6324.