Allegheny National Forest Collaborative Process Underway

By Bob Kirchner, President, Allegheny Forest Alliance

(Aug. 23, 2017) – The Allegheny National Forest is in the midst of five collaborative meetings that draw a broad range of stakeholders together to develop a “Forest Health Strategy.”

The goal/intent of the Forest Health Collaborative is:

“To bring imagination, commitment, local knowledge and science together to identify the specific pathways through which forest health challenges threaten the values and ecosystem services our forests provide. This includes: forest settings for outdoor recreation; ecosystem functions and processes; valuable timber products; wildlife habitats; healthy functioning watersheds, or other values.”

And then to:

“Identify strategies to address these forest health issues.”

Early in 2017 the AFA was invited to participate, as were a wide range of stakeholders from state agencies and well-known non-profit groups to local consulting foresters and conservation groups.  The level and breadth of ANF knowledge in the meeting rooms has been impressive.  The three meetings held to-date were well attended.  Work groups have been formed around several topics (such as Age Class Distribution, Ash, Safety & Aesthetics, Loss of Diversity, Loss of Hemlock, etc.)  These groups work between Collaborative meetings to develop strategies specific to the identified needs/issues.

As of this writing, there have been three meetings held, with September and final November meetings yet on the schedule.

At the AFA we believe the reasoned path to a healthy forest is one that will also benefit our communities and school districts as the necessary management strategies are implemented.  The AFA intends to be involved with this process through its completion, and will closely monitor, engaging when necessary, as the Collaborative’s recommended “Identified Strategies” are carried out on the forest.

More information about the Collaborative and it’s progress is available at