Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt Challenge2020 Scavenger Hunt Day post

The AFA is challenging families to get out in the Allegheny National Forest for a forest adventure!

There’s lots to do out there, like learning about sustainable forestry, pests and diseases that affect tree health, invasive plants, water quality, the creatures who live in the forest, and more!

These things are all part of the forest ecosystem and our youth need to understand the connections.  This will help them be informed future caretakers of the Allegheny National Forest and other public and private forests.  Parents may also learn something new!

The challenge is open and the first 150 students (K-12) who submit their completed scavenger hunt sheet and photos will receive a combination whistle/compass!  Use the form below to submit your child’s completed hunt sheet and photos.

Print a Scavenger Hunt Sheet (one for each child, appropriate for their age) to take into the woods with you:  Age 3 – 10  or  Age 11 – 18 .  Other items to take along: Cell phone or camera; Pencils; Bug repellent; Sunscreen; Water and snacks; Flashlight; Compass; Jackets and/or rain gear; and a First aid kit.

*NOTE: The ANF is taking a phased approach to re-opening campgrounds, recreational site, trails and roads.  Please check the ANF’s Facebook page  or the ANF website for the latest updates before heading out to the forest. 

Submit Your Completed Form and Photos Here

  • Use this form to submit your completed scavenger hunt sheet (both sides) in either PDF or JPEG format and the photos you took on your Forest Adventure. Photos may be submitted in JPEG or PNG formats. Note that we may use your photos for promotional and/or educational purposes, so check the box below to indicate you understand and accept this.
  • Use the Upload buttons below to submit your photos in JPEG or PNG format and your completed scavenger hunt sheet in PDF, JPEG or PNG format.
